Download and install Google Chrome
To use Chrome on Mac, you need macOS Big Sur 11 and up. On your computer, download the installation file.; Open the file named "googlechrome.dmg."
Google Search Help
Official Google Search Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using Google Search and other answers to frequently asked questions.
Descargar e instalar Google Chrome
Google Chrome es un rápido navegador web disponible sin coste económico. Antes de descargarlo, puedes comprobar si es compatible con tu sistema operativo y si cumples el resto de los requisitos del si
Download and install Google Chrome
Try uninstalling Chrome and reinstalling it to fix problems with your search engine, pop-ups or Chrome updates. Fix problems installing Google Chrome; Fix 'Aw, Snap!' page crashes and other page loading errors; Fix issues with Chrome on Wayland. Chrome on Linux now supports Wayland along with X11.
Make Google your default search engine
On the left, under "Add-on Types," click Search Providers. On the right, click Google Search. At the bottom, click Set as default. Internet Explorer 10. Open Internet Explorer. In the top right corner of the page, click the gear icon. Click Manage add-ons. On the left side of the page, click Search Providers.
Make Google your homepage - Google Search Help
Google is stuck as my homepage. Google won't change your homepage settings without your permission. Reset your homepage. Choose a browser above, then follow the steps to replace Google with the site you want as your homepage. Check for unwanted programs. If resetting your homepage doesn't fix the problem, you might have unwanted programs called ...
Search with an image on Google - Computer - Google Search Help
Search with an image on Google You can learn more about an image or the objects around you with Google Lens. For example, you can take a photo of a plant and use it to search for info or other similar images.
Google Help
If you're having trouble accessing a Google product, there's a chance we're currently experiencing a temporary problem.
Search on Google
Tip 2: Search with your voice. To search with your voice, tap the Microphone . Learn how to search with your voice. Tip 3: Choose words carefully. Use terms that are likely to appear on the site you're looking for. For example, instead of my head hurts, say headache, because that’s the term a medical site uses. Tip 4: Do not worry about the ...
Search for notes & lists - Computer - Google Keep Help
Quickly find your notes and lists by using the search bar in Google Keep. You can filter by text or note features such as color, labels, and images. Search in Google Keep. On your computer, go to keep.google.com. At the top, click Search. Type the words or label name you’re looking for, or click an icon to filter your search results: