The show, created by Grammy-nominated songwriter and producer Freddy Wexler, follows a young cowboy dedicated to fighting for ...
Fact checked by Sarah Scott Since it first premiered in 2013, PAW Patrol has been beloved by kids and parents alike. The ...
If you'd prefer to watch Rocky, Chase, Rubble and the rest of the PAW Patrol team from the comfort of your own home, we've ...
Uber Eats and PAW Patrol have launched a back-to-school campaign and new grocery offering via Special PR and retail media ...
Uber Eats and PAW Patrol are coming to the rescue for back-to-school, delivering limited-edition nutritious breakfast bundles to help the smallest family members prepare for their new-term adventures, ...
Paw Patrol is on a roll in Roanoke with their live production of “A Mighty Adventure” at the Berglund Center Tuesday and Wednesday starting at 6 p.m. Tickets start at $28 and can be found here.
This summer, on Saturday, July 5 and Sunday, July 6, 2025, PAW Patrol Live! is set to take over London's OVO Wembley Arena.
PAW Patrol Live! A Mighty Adventure" will be at the Giant Center for five shows on Saturday, Jan. 11, and Sunday, Jan. 12.
"PAW Patrol Live!" is donating 100 tickets to the Baltimore Children and Youth Fund as part of its two-day stop in the city.The production, "A Mighty Adventure," comes to the Hippodrome Theatre ...
Uber Eats and PAW Patrol are coming to the rescue for back-to-school, with a new campaign and grocery offering via Special PR and retail media agency Hatched.