Wofford big man Kyler Filewich is the weirdest free-throw shooter in college basketball. He cannot figure out how to get the ...
Wofford basketball player Kyler Filewich has begun shooting free throws underhanded to enhance his game. Hall of Famer Rick Barry, who mastered the technique, even visited the school to offer ...
Wofford’s Kyler Filewich struggles at the free throw line, forcing a switch to underhand shooting, only to face mid-game ...
A Wofford basketball star embraces an unconventional approach at the free throw line he learned from Hall of Famer Rick Barry while emphasizing the results over the reaction.
Filewich relaxed and flung his first underhanded free-throw attempt into the air. He drilled the shot. The fans inside Jerry Richardson Indoor Stadium roared. The Wofford senior center unveiled his ...
Filewich relaxed and flung his first underhanded free-throw attempt into the air. He drilled the shot. The fans inside Jerry Richardson Indoor Stadium roared. The Wofford senior center unveiled ...
Filewich implemented the new technique after missing 14 consecutive free throws across three games. In his first game shooting underhanded free throws hosting Chattanooga on Feb. 5th, he made one ...
Perry said that consistency helped the team through adversity, as the Terriers carried a losing record into the new year and ...