The U.S. education system is not preparing today’s students to achieve in the world of tomorrow. Our society is becoming ever ...
Astrophysicist and TV star Neil deGrasse Tyson has finally answered the age-old question of why kids need to learn math - ...
South Africa’s mathematics achievement trends are unusual. This could point to possible ways to improve results.
Studying core modules in algebra, analysis, applied mathematics and mathematical methods, you can then build your degree to suit your interests, picking from over 30 specialist modules. You will gain ...
In place of the Applied Mathematics modules you will take two half-credit modules in management studies each year. Having laid the basic foundations there is a wide range of options in both ...
GBH said Wednesday it is relaunching “Basic Black,” which was public television’s longest-running program focused on people of color until production was suspended last year. The show will ...
Teachers should encourage students to master basic math facts. “Not possessing fluency adds a lot of cognitive load to each step of a mathematical process,” said Michelle Tiu, co-executive ...
Is this program for me? The Master’s program in Curriculum and Instruction - Mathematics Education produces educators in mathematics who are well versed in current research and theories about ...
A new analysis of Australia’s National Curriculum has revealed teachers are being encouraged to teach maths through Aboriginal dance. Picture: Getty Images. In year 2, teachers are encouraged to ...
Don’t get me wrong. Basic maths is a must-have for understanding economics. And I don’t buy Gittins’ argument that maths-obsessed academic economists have little regard for – or ...