House Vice-chair Tibor Gaspar (Smer-SD) hopes that only proposals agreed upon by the coalition council will be presented at the regular parliamentary session in February, adding that if it turns out ...
Bratislava 16. januára (TASR) - Odborový zväz školstva odsudzuje útok na gymnáziu v Spišskej Starej Vsi. Jeho zástupcovia vyjadrili úprimnú sústrasť rodinám obetí a veria v skoré uzdravenie zranených.
Bratislava, January 16 (TASR) - The knife attack at the secondary grammar school in the town of Spisska Stara Ves (Presov region) is a painful reminder of how fragile the safety of our children is and ...
State hospitals should receive additional financial support of €212 million from the recovery plan, and the first candidate should be the Children's University Hospital in Kosice, stated MP for the ...
Turčianske Teplice 16. januára (TASR) - Žilinská krajská polícia upozorňuje na neprejazdnú cestu I/65 na výjazde z Turčianskych Teplíc do Banskej Bystrice. Dôvodom je dopravná nehoda. Podľa informácií ...
Konferencia Úradu splnomocnenca vlády pre rómske komunity za účasti splnomocnenca vlády pre rómske komunity Alexandra Daška sa uskutoční v utorok 21. januára o 10.00 h v hoteli Bellevue, Starý Smokove ...
Slovak Bishops Conference (KBS) head and Kosice Metropolitan Archbishop Bernard Bober expressed his spiritual closeness after the attack in Spisska Stara Ves (Presov region), the KBS press office told ...
Slovakia and Russia plan to increase the number of mutual visits in 2025, with invitations for Russian cultural representatives already bein ...
Konferencia Úradu splnomocnenca vlády pre rómske komunity za účasti splnomocnenca vlády pre rómske komunity Alexandra Daška sa uskutoční v utorok 21. januára o 10.00 h v hoteli Bellevue, Starý Smokove ...
Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) has declared the government's support for the construction of rental flats in Kosice and its surroundings as part of the state-supported rental housing project, ...
Pozsony, január 16. (TASR) - A szepesófalui (Spišské Stará Ves) gimnáziumban történt késes támadás fájdalmasan emlékeztet arra, mennyire törékeny a gyerekeink biztonsága, és azt mutatja, hogy sürgősen ...
Spisska Stara Ves, January 16 (TASR) - The victims of the attack at the secondary grammar school in Spisska Stara Ves are two women, aged 18 and 51, TASR learnt from Danka Capakova from the Emergency ...