The Guinness World Record for the longest low plank is currently 8 hours and 1 minute, set by Chinese policeman Mao Weidong in 2016, but retired Marine George Hood completed a record attempt in June ...
Chiaramente il costo del viaggio e dei pasti è a proprie spese. Si possono effettuare scambi illimitati, per paradosso si ...
El cardiólogo clínico Pablo García del Hospital Don Benito-Villanueva de la Serena de Extremadura explica las claves del completo balance entre alcohol y la salud masculina.
We asked therapists everything there is to know about situationships—including if they can ever turn into something more.
Alcune volte la pancetta non si risolve neanche con una dieta di eliminazione e allora è utile confrontarsi con il proprio medico e valutare un test per la disbiosi intestinale. In pratica si valuta ...
With that being said, the question the 7-minute workout presents (when you’re being promised that it will ‘get you fit’) is: fit for what? How fit? And for how long? The research behind the protocol ...
For those of us who are 65 plus, 12 weekly sets per muscle group, training 2-3 times a week is sufficient for hypertrophy. Training modifications may still be required for some senior lifters, but ...
Brandon Streussnig is a freelance film journalist in New York City with bylines in Vulture, GQ, Inverse, Fangoria and more.
Het is echt niet zo dat je coach alleen maar vervelend probeert te doen als hij je voor de zoveelste keer op het hart drukt dat je je warming-up niet moet skippen. Hier lees je waarom een warming up b ...
In Italia il lavoro più sognato è il personal trainer, o istruttore di fitness. Il nostro è l'unico Paese al mondo, preso in ...
Januari-drukte is voor veel gymrats het dieptepunt van het (sport)jaar. Met deze tips heb je er zo min mogelijk last van.
Het is tijd om hybride training serieus te nemen. De trainingsvorm blijft aan populariteit winnen, maar écht hybride trainen ...