The inquiry report was submitted to the Bombay High Court, which heard a plea from Akshay Shinde’s father, Anna Shinde, ...
The magistrate inquiry report regarding the alleged “fake” encounter of the accused in case; the report concludes that the ...
Opposition claims Akshay Shinde's death was a staged encounter to protect BJP-linked school trustees, sparking political tensions ahead of elections.
MUMBAI: Bombay High Court orders FIR against five policemen linked to Akshay Shinde’s death in a fake encounter, questioning police's self-defense claims.
A Magistrate Inquiry report was submitted on Monday to the Bombay High Court in response to a plea filed by the father of the ...
A magistrate enquiry has identified five policemen responsible for the custodial death of Akshay Shinde, accused of sexual ...
Magistrate inquiry finds five policemen responsible for custodial death of Akshay Shinde in Badlapur sexual assault case.
Bombay high court ordered the State to register an FIR against five police officers after a magistrate’s inquiry into Akshay ...
Five police officers have been held responsible for the custodial death of Akshay Shinde. He was the prime accused in the Badlapur minor girls’ rape case.
In relation to a plea filed by the father of the Badlapur school sexual assault accused who died in an alleged fake encounter ...
A magistrate's inquiry has held five policemen responsible for the custodial death of Akshay Shinde, accused in the Badlapur ...
A magistrate's inquiry has found five policemen responsible for the custodial death of Akshay Shinde, accused in the Badlapur ...