Inequality harking from apartheid continues to bedevil education today. In an attempt to forecast this year, a friend and I asked a few colleagues in education to identify the three headline concerns ...
School systems will likely continue to shut down in the next few weeks. But measuring the unequal educational costs of these closures and having an equitable plan to close these gaps will be key ...
State improving quickly compared to national averages as top-performing students separate from their lowest-performing peers ...
In this section, students will read two biographical stories and investigate how place matters in our lives with particular attention to the ways that unequal education systems can produce advantages ...
The education sector will be top of mind today as we await what President Cyril Ramaphosa will be saying in his State of the Nation Address at 7pm.
Almost 22% were chronically absent in 2018-19, compared to 19.5% statewide. “Pittsburg Unified has a separate, unequal and illegal system of education for students of color and those with disabilities ...