Shaquille O’Neal secures a massive long-term deal with TNT Sports, which will pay him over $15 million per year.
Shaquille O'Neal is staying with TNT Sports on a new contract worth more than $15 million per year, according to a Front ...
Kenny Smith and Ernie Johnson are also expected to remain with TNT alongside Charles Barkley, who's working on a 10-year, ...
As Inside The NBA and TNT prepare for a big transition, the largest member of the team will be staying in place. On Friday, ...
Shaquille O'Neal uniquely paid homage to Suns' Bol Bol following the center's productive first half in Tuesday's Grizzlies game ...
Between Tool Shaq (Home Depot), Shaq-A-Licious (Hershey’s), Shaqtin’ A Fool (TNT) and Shaquille O’Deal (Klarna) — and that’s just the tip of the Shaq-berg — the most visible brand in the NBA is 7-foot ...