St. Denis Medical is NBC's new series that blends comedy and medical drama in a delightful way. With a lighter touch than other medical dramas, this show promises laughs and heartwarming moments. Find ...
Superficial while sometimes emotional, it can generate a good bit of tension while remaining pleasant on the whole.
Quantic Dream's interactive drama Beyond: Two Souls is being adapted into a TV series from Elliot Page via Pageboy Productions. Deadline reveals that Page has acquired the adaptation rights of the IP ...
It's quite possible that Elliot Page is the only person who's thought about 2013 video game Beyond: Two Souls in several years. Photo: Presley Ann/ for LACMA) Now that the freshly reinvigorated ...
For the longest time, it seemed that any movie based on a video game was doomed to fail. After all, a video game is supposed ...