Klaus is an animated holiday movie that tells the origin story of Santa Claus. Directed by Sergio Pablos, the creator of Despicable Me, the Netflix original blends traditional animation with a ...
Happy Gilmore is making a comeback as Adam Sandler prepares to deliver a sequel to his 1996 fan-favorite film about a loose-cannon hockey player-turned-golf champ. As we look ahead to Happy ...
Guns, violence, gore: hardly the usual elements of a classic Christmas film. The debate around whether or not Die Hard (and Die Hard 2) constitutes a proper holiday movie is almost as contentious ...
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Nosferatu will cast its dark and foreboding shadow over cinemas this Christmas. Written and directed by Robert Eggers this retelling of a classic horror story is guaranteed to make your blood run ...
Can you work out who this Die Hard star is? Stepping out this week in a rare public outing, the Canadian actor looked totally unrecognisable, 36 years after appearing in the iconic Bruce Willis ...
We unpack the biggest festive film debate. For argument’s sake, the WHO team are firmly of the belief that the 1988 action classic *is* a must-watch Christmas film, but for those who still need some ...
After playing Roblox games for years, naturally, I tried to find something that would keep me occupied for days. And then I discovered Hide or Die. As a hider, you need to transform into one of ...
It can't really be Christmas until you've seen Die Hard, and you've got the chance to do just that on TV tonight. The movie also gets a repeat broadcast on Christmas Eve at 9pm on digital channel ...
There have been countless examples of movies or TV shows getting new life years after release and finding a spot on the Netflix trending list. It most recently happened with Jim Jarmusch’s 2019 ...
People die in their sleep due to various causes, with sudden cardiac arrest being one of the most common. Other reasons include conditions like congestive heart failure, stroke, or terminal illnesses ...