Batman and the Joker have always had a complicated relationship. The two characters have been reflections of one another for decades, but it seems in the Absolute Universe, writer Scott Snyder is ...
Batman and the Joker are pretty much ideological opposites, but in the Absolute Universe Batman is going to make a very Joker-like choice.
Scott Snyder's plans for Absolute Batman, Absolute Dick Grayson and The Absolute Joker for DC Comics to come... (Spoilers) ...
"Right now that's where we're planning our Joker story is ... to this long-awaited look at Batman's greatest enemy – in the Absolute Universe seemingly reinvented a super-wealthy industrialist.
It's not for nothing that our one fleeting glimpse of the Absolute Universe Joker so far has been as a sinister billionaire industrialist (now who might that be modelled on, I wonder?).