Use Separate Wallets: Avoid storing large amounts of cryptoassets in apps with questionable security.”
Despite some recent headlines, iPhones remain safer than Androids given Apple’s tighter restrictions and control of its ecosystem. But Google is catching up — and Samsung is moving even faster to narrow the gap. Now, a new Android upgrade for 2025 could make Androids more like iPhones than ever before — but there’s a twist.
If you browse the Google Play Store on a desktop browser, you'll notice an "Install on Windows" button scattered around the website. This feature is seldom advertised, but it is part of Google's initiative to bring Android games to your Windows computer.
The monthly “ Google System Release Notes ” primarily detail what’s new in Play services, Play Store, and Play system update across Android phones/tablets, Wear OS, Google/Android TV, Auto, and PC. Some features apply to end users, while others are aimed at developers. The following first-party apps comprise the “Google System”:
This might seem a ridiculous limitation for someone looking for new apps and games, but the Play Store has gotten so bad in recent years that I only open it when I know exactly what I'm looking for. If I want to discover exciting new apps and games,
Google Play Store is testing a new minimal design for app listings for core system apps that could prevent review bombing. Check it out!
Android Auto 13.6 is now available for download; the rollout started on the Play Store, but users can also update using the APK installer
Google has announced that badges for VPN apps on the Play Store are rolling out. These badges inform users that the app has been verified.
Download the latest Windows Subsystem For Android WSABuilds, a powerful tool to run Android apps on Windows with built-in Google Play Store, Magisk, and KernelSU support. Learn how to install.
Now that Android 16 Beta 1 is official, we’ll be diving in to look for meaningful changes that you should be aware of. Google gave us the details on developer-focused changes, but what about the fun new toys you might want to look at or play with?
Although it hasn't specified which ones, Google has confirmed that a new wave of Android Automotive-compatible apps is coming to the Play Store next month.
One ASO strategy doesn’t fit all. Here are platform-specific tips for optimizing apps on Apple’s App Store and Google Play.