A total of 26 Gillespie County 4-H members competed at the 4-H State BB Gun Match held at the Gillespie County AgriLife ...
The Heritage High School varsity boys’ basketball team finished their season with an overall record of 28-2 after falling to ...
Fredericksburg United Methodist Church (FUMC) donated $4,350 to The Good Samaritan Center as part of a new strategic program ...
Since Jan. 1, 2025, state and local firefighters have responded to 462 wildfires that have burned 9,093 acres statewide, ...
Battery storage, water conservation, cell phone policy and property tax cuts are the focus of House bills authored by Texas ...
It’s the thick of winter, you see, which means I’m spending hours huddled in my home office ...
Adequate supplies of fresh water at reasonable prices are essential to quality of life and economic growth.
Greyson Crenwelge and Madilynn Grant will join more than 150 Texas teens on a Youth Tour to the nation’s capital, June 15-22.
FPD makes five arrests in one day The Fredericksburg Police Department responded to 380 calls, made 183 traffic stops and 18 arrests between Monday, Feb. 24 and Sunday, March 2.
Outdoors On Edge The Mohs SafariKar is one truly ugly vehicle. And I’m in love with it. Built by the Mohs Seaplane Corporation of Madison, Wisconsin, ...