The slowness of human thoughts defies all understanding. While our senses absorb around a billion pieces of information every second, our mental processes are limited to a modest speed: only 10 binary ...
Shells sometimes hold technological feats that we believed were limited to human laboratories. By studying the shells of a particular mollusk, researchers have discovered a unique capability to ...
It is a system that lives, reproduces, undergoes natural selection, and can die. A chemist from the Laboratory of Physics of Ionic and Molecular Interactions has proposed a model in which a molecule, ...
For just over a decade, physicists have been studying a strange phenomenon in the quantum world. At very small scales, it seems that the temporal order of different events may not always be ...
The heart races under stress, but why? A recent discovery links this cardiac reaction to a specific system in the brain. A surprising lead that could help us better understand physiological responses ...
A strain of cholera resistant to multiple antibiotics has spread from Yemen and has reached Mayotte. This development may render current treatments obsolete. Since 2018, a particularly resistant ...
Astuce: l'extension Simple Price Alerts (lien) permet d'être averti automatiquement d'une baisse de prix sur Amazon, ...
Dans les profondeurs obscures des grottes du Gabon, une population insolite de crocodiles nains orange intrigue ...
Jupiter, la géante gazeuse, cache sous ses bandes colorées des mystères qui intriguent les scientifiques depuis ...
Le cancer du pancréas, l'un des plus redoutables, pourrait bientôt voir son traitement transformé. Des chercheurs ont ...
Le connectivisme, est une théorie de l'apprentissage développée par George Siemens et Stephen Downes et basée sur les apports des nouvelles technologies. Elle s'appuie sur leur analyse des limites du ...
Par Romain Gervalle, Chercheur associé en théories de la gravitation, Université de Tours & Mikhail Volkov, professeur de physique, Université de Tours Dans notre étude parue le 21 octobre 2024 dans l ...