The season two premiere of Severance took place entirely within the walls of Lumon Industries, leaving viewers in the dark about the consequences of the Innies' uprising in the outside world — at ...
In Season 2, Episode 2 of "Severance," Tramell Tillman shows a new, rather cool side to his pitiless floor manager Mr.
Why is Lumon so desperate to get Mark S. back? Did Helena sneak onto the severed floor as her innie? What the heck is Harmony ...
There’s always a new mystery to unravel, some new detail or scrap of Lumon lore to sift through. Every answer births new ...
The second episode of season two was the inverse of the first, with an exclusively un-severed look at Lumon's employees.
As the second season of Severance rages on with its sophomore episode, more details and doubts are revealed about Lumon, MDR, ...
Tramell Tillman is telling fans to "buckle up" for Severance season 2, because it's about to get bumpy. The actor, who plays ...
Severance Season 2 is now streaming on Apple TV+, with a new episode every Friday. Belen Edwards is an Entertainment Reporter ...
Macrodata Refinement got you down? CNET went fishing for the answers to some of Lumon Industries' biggest mysteries.
Season 2 of Severance opens even more questions about what's true by subtly making Outie-Mark disappear for 24 hours.
These are the biggest revelations and questions from "Goodbye, Mrs. Selvig," the second episode two of Severance season two.
Where Severance's opening episode of season 2 focused on innies, episode 2 casts the lens on outies. Specifically, how the ...