Any veterans who are needing to register for care at the Lubbock VA clinic can call 806-472-3400 or visit one of our patient ...
The Supreme Court has rejected an argument by two veterans that the Department of Veterans Affairs had a duty to grant their ...
The case involved two veterans, one of whom was denied benefits. Their lawyers says the case could have profound implications for untold numbers of veterans.
In 1922, the U.S. Navy identified asbestos as the most efficient material for shipbuilding insulation and equipment ...
Justice Clarence Thomas, a George H.W. Bush appointee, wrote in the court’s opinion that when the veteran appeals court ...
Veterans who face challenges finding or keeping employment due to service-connected disabilities may qualify for Veteran ...
Caregiver Support Program (CSP) offers clinical services to caregivers of eligible and covered Veterans enrolled in the VA health care system. The program’s mission is to promote the health and ...
A woman was arrested for allegedly falsifying a marriage license to marry her biological father in order to receive his ...
Veterans from all over the northern Lower Peninsula and from Chippewa County in Sault Ste. Marie are encouraged to apply.