Some calculators may use taxable income when calculating the average tax rate. This calculator estimates the average tax rate as the state income tax liability divided by the total gross income.
For 2024, California, Hawaii, New York, New Jersey and Washington D.C. have some of the highest marginal state income tax rates, with each having a top tax rate above 10%. However, it's important ...
New Mexico has an income tax with a top rate of 5.9%, but the state waives your income taxes if you reach 100 years of age. Property taxes in New Mexico are relatively low, and the state's gas tax ...
House Democrats in the Roundhouse say the uncertainty around the national economy is not making anything easier for New Mexicans.
Nine of these states cut their individual income tax rates for 2025. The most significant change is in Iowa, which had an individual income tax rate of 5.70% in 2024 and now has a rate of 3.80% for ...
If you live in one of nine specific states, however, you're likely to see your take-home pay increase a bit, after lawmakers ...
Efforts by New Mexico to save and invest portions of a financial windfall from local oil production are paying off as state government income on investments surpasses personal income tax ...