Talk about shimmer sisters! Evan Rachel Wood and Blake Lively both know that the best way to make head turns when hitting the red carpet is to dawn a frock with serious flashbulb appeal.
Wood first accused Manson, her ex-fiancé, of domestic abuse and sexual assault in 2021 Evan Rachel Wood is speaking out for the first time since Los Angeles County District Attorney Nathan J. Hochman ...
Evan Rachel Wood said she was "endlessly proud of all the survivors" who shared their allegations against Marilyn Manson after prosecutors declined to bring criminal charges against the musician. Wood ...
Evan Rachel Wood was in town promoting The Ides of March and has been spotted around town in menswear-inspired fashion (and... The sheer abundance of A-listers at A Dangerous Method ’s party at ...
Another one of Manson's accusers, ex Esmé Bianco, said she was "sadly not surprised" that the case didn't go forward.